
dear blog...

dear blog,

dear sweet valley house,

i will be honest. i have been neglecting you. life is hectic...mostly in my mind.but it is hectic. with a husband busy with a new business endeavor, a small zoo to tend to, a home needing constant care and naps needing to be tended to-life is busy. also, i am uninspired as of late. i feel terrible. you do not deserve to be at the blunt end of my sad, uninspired sword. spring may be coming soon. here in seattle it feels as if it is trying-at least.....

i promise that once spring arrives i will, in fact, be more inspired. not fullly inspired. just more...inspired. until then-i promise not...not a thing-except that i will try. i will post at least 3-4x/week. i will prove to you that i love you-even in my funk.

i will talk to you-directly to you, valley house. i will talk to you about the new and simple supplements i'm finally taking. i will tell you more about the weather here in seattle. we can talk about my constant headaches and my home reno updates.

dear, sweet blog, i promise i will tell you all about the good deals i've been finding. my new $4 tees that have been making my heart sing with comfy lately, my $3 good will garden pot made utensil holder that fits perfectly with all the other sweet, cherished green items in my kitchen, things of this sort.

we can talk about my search for the perfect duvet cover-not the ones i've already found and love...for they are perfect except for their $200+  pricetags and i just cannot, in my deal-finding ways, spend that much. but we can talk about my journey, my journey to a new, high-quality, deal of a bed spread journey. i know, blog, that you know me, and you know how important my bed is.

i'll dish to you about the dogs. the dogs and their silly ways. i'll share with you my dreams to spend my daily work hours doing something more productive, fulfilling and meaningful. we can gab about my closest friends-and how awesome they are, how they keep me floating, even when i don't feel i deserve it. i will share with you my current recipes, what i've been forcing my husband to eat, and how much i'm loving my new found relationship with cooking and baking. we can swap things we're hearing, seeing and finding on all the other amazing blogs around. we can. we will.

dear blog, all of those things-all of the ridiculous silly things that no one realllllly wants to hear about, all of those things we used to talk about a number of times per day (!!!) i will bring to you. i promise. i know the feeling of neglect and it is painful. i will not neglect you blog, sweet valley house-be not afraid.

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