
weekend recap

another weekend in yak, you ask? yes, of course. i feel as if this weekend was the last warm, summer weekend we'll get in yak. fall is fast approaching. the summer, naturally went by too fast.

friday we celebrated the nuptials of good friends. andy was in the wedding and seemingly had an amazing time. i, the voluntary DD enjoyed the ridiculous dance moves from the side of the dance floor and chatted most of the night with sweet friends. it was a success and a beautiful night.

saturday morning we left earlish for the east side. the drive was easy and the starbucks delicious.

the yak portion of the weekend was much like the others. food, family and laziness. we laid out, visited with fam, ate lots and napped too much. it was glorious, and of course, not long enough. it was labor day weekend - somehow, the extra TWO days i had off didn't seem to exist, and we totally missed any and all traffic on our way back into the city (especially exciting considering the past two drive backs were an extra 1.5 hours +!)

we're back to "tue/monday" and it's painful to be back at work....even though i generally like/love this place on any given day. that need for a true vacation is only teased by long weekends and short bursts of relaxation. it makes the itch greater. we have another busy month ahead with birthdays, family visiting and the day-to-day. i'm tired just thinking about it. the excitement overwhelming. the blessings abundant....

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